
The Death of Ideas
The End of Fun
Pizza with the boys
Where dreams go to die
One man enters, no man leaves
Regal Entropy 2: Entropy Harder
Where men become boys to become men
Hell on Earth
Home of the goblin army
Home of the goon squad
Home of the all-you-can-eat crab buffet
Discounted opinions
Grand Slam Philosophy
Thoughts on thoughts
Pass da mayo
Softcore Thinking
Mumblecore philiosophy
I hope she reads this
Thanks, you too, asshole
Woah there, asshole
I hope you outlive your children
Ode to Soy
Undocumented opinion
Honkey bangers
Enter the shadow realm
Believe it
Operation: Opinion Discarded
Home of the 24/7 psyop
Where meds will never be taken
New look, same low prices
When killing yourself is not enough
The Third Rail of Third Rail
J. K. Rowling will pay for what she did
The rump roast of thought
The burger of opinion
One could say The Godfather Part 7 of thinking
Perhaps even The Dark Knight of profundity
Mm, yes, the fish filet of opinions
No Drip No Service
Lift - Plow - Blade
Assblasted since English class