
Scooby Werkstatt has made a number of onlines tools that have next to no learning curve. He was the original fitness youtuber and makes fitness, health, and general well being available to everyone. He provides advice on other practical matters as well on occasion. Genuinely a wholesome character all around.

A blog dedicated towards helping the general public understand how to invest effectively and generally improve their own quality of life. Another resource made with next to no learning curve that is accessible and approachable by people of all levels of economic and financial understanding. Genuinely a wholesome character all around. &

Education is free. Whether or not college is right for you, education is never going to be detrimental. These are great tools to pursue interests, higher learning, and academia. There is no such thing as “education that doesn’t count” and don’t allow anyone to try to convince you otherwise. Higher level courses are available on these websites allowing for a relatively risk free way to explore junior and senior level classes which could in turn lower the likelihood of changing your major later into your education. Or, if you have not decided on a major yet, these resources could help you make a more informed decision. &

Education is foundational to the pursuit of truth and wellbeing; as people and as a society this should be the utmost consideration for all of us. Lately more and more college campuses are proving to be institutions of indoctrination and not institutes of higher learning. There will never be an alternative to learning how to think critically about topics in a valid academic context. This destruction of what is one of the most sacred constructs of government and society is abhorrent. The humanities and social sciences seem to be particularly in peril for a deconstruction that will not be beneficial. The primary function of a university is to provide all students with a well rounded foundation of liberal arts, sciences, mathematics, and communication ability that allow them to properly contextualize, analyze, and navigate the field of their choice and academia in general. To be able to learn effectively is to be able to think effectively. These are great options to forgo elective requirements that do not have our best interests in mind. They are also a good way to enter the workforce immediately while still continuing to pursue an education - ultimately to find ourselves as we navigate being -  in a way that is much more cost effective. It is better to go into university with some aim, interest, or a vague idea of who you are as opposed to wandering into it and making yourself vulnerable to idling and/or indoctrination. Ideally you will be able to pursue a field that speaks to your soul rather than haphazardly doing any which thing. Finding yourself is far more cost effective, experience efficient, and productive in the workforce than within the confines of student debt.,,

In this day and age we should all take steps to protect the sanctity of our homes and by extension our privacy. Those of you who have a landline or cable, consider the following: why do you pay for a means by which advertisers can interrupt and invade your abode in an effort to subvert your own agency and influence the way you and your family think? I am not saying advertising is inherently malicious or even that it should be done away with but we should not be constantly bombarded with this type of stimulus from every direction especially in our own homes. I am also not making the claim that these tools will allow you to live a completely private life that is free from the influence of those with dubious intentions. These are just some tools to lessen your information footprint on the internet and to reclaim the impact your time, attention, and behavior has on your life as a predictor or pattern indicator of who you may be as an individual. The last tool in particular admittedly requires a much higher learning curve to get the same functionality you would from the way you use your computer now. They are not for everyone and more importantly, everyone has their own needs and are not able to compromise in every which way at a given time. Use these tools to make improvements to the information footprint you create if you believe in that sort of thing. There are many other tools out there, make an effort into preserving your identity and individuality.

4chan /g/ repository of information covering all forms of consumer and user oriented computer hardware and software. Some recommended software includes Soulseek, Greenshot, Irfanview, SumatraPDF, 7-Zip, WinCDEmu, MPC, Audacity, foobar2000, Notepad++, WinDirStat, Cheat Engine, and OBS.

RateYourMusic succeeds where other music rating sites fail. Every other rating website overweighs popularity, draws from critics who are always wrong (Metacritic), or is unable to differentiate between a 10.0/10.0 game with 4 ratings from a 9.8/10.0 game with 20,000 ratings. With RYM’s algorithm, highly-acclaimed releases with less ratings still get a chance, while popular releases don’t get overexposed just because more people listened to it. RYM’s latest project is to dramatically improve this algorithm which is over a decade old, and expand to connected film and vidya sites. With the inclusion of a better “esoteric” chart, which lists those highly-acclaimed releases with less ratings, these sites will potentially allow for the perpetual discovery of worthwhile media.

One man’s patrician knowledge base.

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