A Backwards Approach To Daily Living

I just wanted to share some things in my life that the people around me would always point out as backwards to the norm but have proven to be beneficial to me. Some variation of this comment is made consistently enough to me that I wanted to see what other…

On Participating In Prostitution

Lately the idea of legalizing prostitution as a sort of means for empowerment of women and betterment of society has been making rounds. Engaging in prostitution may become more accessible to the public as a result. I would like to raise the following considerations:   The role of sex in a…

On Money

The abstraction of money and markets changed the way humans think permanently. Philosophically, it may have been the most important realization or milestone to date. In effect, money is the metric for a universal scale. It allows us to measure and compare the value of things that are otherwise unrelated.…

On Social Distancing

Preface: This post has nothing to do with whether or not there is validity in fear for contracting the disease. It is namely notes on my own observations and experiences that I am sharing.   It appears to me there has been a shift in the narrative surrounding the measures put…