On DATEM Manufacturing for the Purpose of Determining Halal or Haram Status

DATEM stands for “diacetyl tartaric acid esters of monoglycerides”.   In the above figure, the general formula for forming esters is depicted. The R and R’ symbols are hydrated carbon chains of any length. In diagrams of chemical species like above, any place where two straight lines intersect that does not…

Regarding Investing; How or Where to Start

https://jlcollinsnh.com/stock-series/ This link is the foundation of my "knowledge" in the market. The more I traded or invested the more the stuff in this series seemed correct. Briefly, this and all the following links will basically just support dollar cost averaging the index. I read through the…

Thinking Poor

Money is not everything. Power is not everything. But being stuck in a mindset that your weakness directly makes you strong becomes everything when it’s the only thing that defines you. Thinking poor, or the poor mindset, is a delusion that a modern Western poverty lifestyle imbues one with…

On Radiohead

It's weird that I hold a band in so little regard but have two of their albums in my essentials list. Radiohead is rightfully considered White people hipster music, though I would contend that this description overshadows the depth of their work and their overall quality as a band. Radiohead…

On The Pursuit Of The Arts

It may be the case that as a species, humans have an inclination to reject the pursuit of art as the main calling of their own function in societies they are a part of possibly evolutionarily. To genuinely and willingly accept the burden of the arts as a member of…

On Conflict At The Workplace (especially for young people)

If there is a conflict at the workplace there is no standardized way to approach it because conflicts are not standardized. The importance of free speech is that the nuances of speech obviously reflect the nuances of experience and being. Here are some general considerations that can be seen in…